Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine’s Day!


I have a sweetheart!


We go way back.


I mean way back!



He’s pretty dreamy!


….and cool.

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left Temple Head Football Coach and athletic director Mike Spradlin is presented an Impact Award by Dan Jones

People try to imitate him.



We’ve lived a lot of life together.


iphone fall 2012 1082


Done some good things.

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Now we’re feeling the love, big time!


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We’re surrounded.




A toast!


…. to the sweethearts in our lives!

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“Love doesn’t make the world go round, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.” – Elizabeth Browning








DAY 37 – 25 lbs. in 5 weeks!

I still can’t get over how pleasant, beneficial and enjoyable juicing is! In short, fill yourself with vegetables and fruit and you will feel full, satisfied and shed unwanted fat. Cleansing, refreshing and revitalizing you insides. Though I realize a 60 day juice fast may not be for everyone. It has been a huge blessing for me. If you have terrible eating habits and have tried everything under the sun, to get you back on track with no success, you may want to consider a juice reboot.

My journey began on January 9, 2013. Just 5 weeks ago. To start at the beginning, just click on the picture of me holding two pies, at the top of the page, in the side margin! Read Bye bye, pie! If your not all messed up, eating pretty healthy, good for you! I mean it. I’m happy for you. But for the majority of America, I have a suggestion.

Eat more veggies!!! And I don’t mean

French fries!



Katie said...

OMG, the pictures of Beth, Kim & Clint imitating Coach is HILARIOUS! Love it! :)

Anonymous said...

Sending big hugs, pink light, and Valentine wishes to a beautiful family! What a blessed privilege to be a member of your family!

You are an inspiration and a huge blessing to me! Love your blog, your photos and your immense talent!


Isabel said...

Happy Valentines Day!! What a beautiful post:O)

Beth said...

Well you've gone and outdone yourself. :) Love it mama! XOXO