Tuesday, January 15, 2013

One Amazing Week!


What an amazing week it has been. Full of discovery and surprises. So many things have changed in such a short period of time. It has been easier than I could have ever imagined. I’ve been trying to change my eating habits, namely quit eating so many sweets for years. Last Monday, while watching the documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead :) the idea of a 60 day juice fast, seemed incredibly drastic. I mean I like to eat! The fact that I have been able to do this one week is quite an accomplishment, in itself. But to be able to say I have been very comfortable, feel enthusiastic with more energy than usual just blows my mind. I’ve also learned a lot. I’ve read and experimented daily, taking notes and making observations about juice combinations as well as the way I am feeling. One thing is certain, my body is responding in a positive way and I look forward to another week. I have no idea what the next week will bring but the chances are I’ll be telling you all about it.

With each passing day, I have made a big x on my calendar and with the passing of each week I’ve decided to celebrate by choosing my favorite juice of the week. Here is the winner of

WEEK 1 :


Ruby Begonia, was the first thing that came to mind after I poured up a glass of this gorgeous liquid. Just look at that beautiful color! The taste has a sunny disposition to match! Drinking this combination is like having a mouthful of sunshine. It’ll make you smile.

Week 1 weight loss: 8(couldn’t rid rid of you fast enough)lbs

and I can already feel the difference! Needless to say, I’m good.



Sarah Shalley said...

So awesome. Clapping here in San Antonio! I juiced oranges last night. I have a carrots and grape fruit in the fridge...sounds yummy.

Stacey said...

That's just awesome Roxanne!

Stefanie said...

So Awesome to hear that things are going great! How is the Hubs handling all this? I have just wondered how my family would adjust if I followed a program like this? Love reading your progress! Thanks for sharing!

courtney said...

that's GREAT! you realize that in one week you've already met over 10% of your goal?!?

karen said...

i'm curious to know what kind of juicer you use. how did you decide which to buy? you have inspired me!

Roxanne said...

Thanks Sarah, Stacey, Stefanie,Courtney and Karen for clapping and encouraging me. Week 2 has been a bit more challenging but dont worry, I havent wavered. Thanks again for cheering me on to health and freedom. I really appreciate each of you:)

Karen, I bought 4 inexpensive Bella Kitchen juicers at Thanksgiving for our whole family(having no idea at the time that I'd be going on a 60 day juice fast). Had I known I might have researched a little and paid a little more. However, my trusty juicer is serving me well, juicing four times a day! We'll see how long it lasts. You can buy the one I have at Target. I keep reading about the brand Breeville. you might want check Macy's they have a lot of juicers on sale right now.