My Mother is an amazing woman! Absolutely, amazing! She grew up on a cotton farm, the youngest of four. Had dark curly hair and was completely adored! Her memories are treasured. The stories are good....'the adventures of Vida!..and her exciting childhood'! She grew up and graduated at the top of her class, married Prince Charming and moved away fast.
Life in the city was quite an adventure, good jobs gave hope for a promising future. They worked hard, made friends, went home once in awhile and before you knew it they were expecting a child.
I was born on May 14th, their 1st bundle of joy. Three months later they were expecting a boy!..or girl(?) they would know soon for Lynnette was born the following June. Two baby girls, 13 months apart would keep her quite busy. What a wonderful start! Cooking and cleaning, washing diapers alot, sewing and saving, and watching two tots! How could life get any better than this? Well, it would, 2 years later, when she 'popped out' Chris! Three beautiful children... what joy to behold! ...a hardworking husband with a heart of gold!
The years flew by quickly. She made everything fun... consistent as the mailman, in rain, snow and sun. Nothing could stop her from doing her best. Decorating, gardening or sewing a dress. Her active involvement helped a community to grow, she made 'the difference', many said so. Life was good for this family of five. A growing business, that was sure to survive. A lovely home in a great neighborhood. Almost perfect, like she hoped it would. Then one Christmas, without any warning, something went wrong with her beloved prince charming. He had found someone else, didn't love us any more-so he said goodbye and walked out the door. I was 13, my sister was twelve, Chris was 10, our world felt like 'hell'.
She went to bed for a very long time. Her heart was broken by this unexpected crime. No one came to save us, we were invisible...dying one tear at a time.
When she got to the bottom of her sadness, she looked into her children's' eyes and decided then and there to choose truth, love and life. It wasn't easy. It wasn't easy at all! It took along time, to brush the dust from that fall. Years, I'd say, before she'd ride again tall.
But you should see her now! A rose in full bloom. Captivating beauty of vibrant hue. Intoxicating fragrance. A sight to behold! A 'delight' to all who meet her, no matter young or old. She has so much to give and she gives both night and day. Rarely stopping to catch her breath, read a book or simply play. No one can out work her. She's irreplaceable, without doubt....and if you ever need her just give a little shout. Quickly she'll come running, do anything at all, to help someone who needs her, whether big or small.
Mom, you've taught your children much, and loved them well. You are blessed.
I love you, dearly.
P.S. Have fun at the White House this week! Tell the First Lady, I said 'hi'!!
note:My 1st cousin Ron Hall and Denver Moore(a friend and brother in Christ), wrote the New York Times Bestseller, SAME KIND OF DIFFERENT AS ME. They have been given the honor of reading from their book at the "A Celebration of Reading", a major fundraiser for the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. Find out more about the book @ http://www.samekindofdifferent.com/
Beautiful and inspiring!!! Thanks for sharing...
Your mother is so beautiful!
What a lucky girl am I? I have the best mom in the world (who is a fabulously rhyming writer) and a wonderful granny! I love you both! :)
Roxanne, I loved it and was so touched today! Love you and aren't we fortunate to have modeled for us such motherhood?
Roxanne: You are so blessed once again. That was beautiful!
Hey Rox,
This is so nice and sweet. I bet mom cried when she read it. I hope you had a nice Mother's Day and hope you have a nice birthday tomorrow.
Love, Lynnette
Hi Roxanne, thanks for stopping by my blog! First of all girlfriend, you are one of the "beautiful people" in this world (I saw your adorable picture with your hubby!)so if you don't get your makeup on cuz you're busy creating, don't worry about it!! And yes, aprons do count, you get 10 cute stars for wearing one! Secondly, oh my goodness, what a talent you are!! Wow! I absolutely love that voluptious gal you painted on the door! So fabulous I want to marry it! I want one!
Your blog is a delight, I am adding it to my fav's. Your mom is a blessing and a treasure! What a wonderful tribute to her! God bless you!
Warm Pie, Happy Home
I love what you wrote! I just met you and you told me about your blog. I am enjoying it. I'm your neighbor... just a 1/2 block down. My birthday is May 13th. :-) Ron & Denver are coming to ACU in September. How neat that you know them. You are doing such beautiful work at the houses you travel to and paint at.
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