When I was driving down the street, I saw this old church steeple up ahead. As I got closer and could see it better, I slowed down and just had to pull over. It was so beautiful! So very old.

The building is architecturally ornate with lovely stained glass windows.

However, time and neglect have taken it's toll on the old place. Many of the windows were broken and boarded up. The many layers of paint have cracked and peeled!
Shingles are gone and poorly repaired, and yet I stood mesmerized by it's beauty. ...
I wanted to touch it! I wanted to go inside and sit on an old wooden pew ...and whisper in my Father's ear. I wanted to tell Him how much I love Him...and thank Him for loving me first. I wanted to thank Him for sending Jesus and forgiving me of my sins... for mending my broken heart, so that I am able to forgive too. I wanted to thank Him for sending His Holy Spirit to live in me, to comfort and teach me. I wanted to tell Him how much I appreciate Him being my Shepperd and for taking care of all my needs.....when suddenly I realized ...I just had.
What are you thankful for ? Would you be willing to 'count your blessings' and share what God has done? Just click on Comment: and share your thoughts.
When we seek Him, we'll find Him, when we seek Him with all of our heart.