Pretty Peach............12 x 16...............Acrylic on canvas................$125
Yesterday at the Farmers Market, I ran across the most amazing peaches grown in Carbon, Texas, at Files Farms! They were wonderful in every way: fragrant, appearance, size and flavor. Seriously, it's been a long time since I've tasted a peach that good. Turns out the Files don't use pesticides or fertilizers, and they are convinced you can taste the difference. I decided to buy a entire box and rushed home to slice and freeze them. My, I certainly am feeling domestic this summer! Anyway, there just happen to be one peach in the whole batch, with it's leaves attached. I love that when that happens and decided to paint it today. So here is my Pretty Peach. I hope you like it and if you happen to have peaches 'running out your ears' try Peach French Toast. Our sweet daughter-in-love Jenny, made it last weekend and it was delicious! You'll find the recipe on my recipe blog, Coachette's Kitchen. Only my favorites make the cut. So give it a try!
This is beautiful Roxanne- you are a talented girl.
I can't wait to make the peach French Toast- peaches here right now are not very good :-{
Roxanne, just wanted to let you know that I have a post scheduled to pop up Saturday morning. I totally stole a few of your pictures....because I'm posting about you and your art work. OK? I will cancel the plan if it's not ok with you. ;)
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