Meet Ben and Leslee! Both high school coaches and expecting their first baby. This couple, a great addition to our community, is excited their family is about to grow from 2 to 3. Last Saturday, about an hour before sunset, I grabbed my Cannon Rebel film camara and met them for a little photo fun! I got carried away, as usual, and shot several rolls of film. Fortunately we (hey! this was team work) got a dozen "keepers". There was however, one paricular shot that I really liked and thought I'd share. The colors are so interesting and have not been enhanced. I typically prefer black and white photography but lately I'm drawn to color again.
Do you have a preference? The color shot (above) or the black and white (below)?...just curious.
Hey Roxanne...I am the young coach's wife you met a few weeks ago while painting a mural on the consignment shop wall! It looks like you are an artist in more ways than one! I love the pictures...and I must say...I am usually all for the black and white...but I am equally in love with both versions of this picture! What a sweet shot!
Great shot mom! :)
I usually like black and white but I vote for the color on this one. The elements stand out better in color because of not much contrast. Realy cute photo! You rocked it! Thanks for emailing me too!
I love the color photo--but, then again, I love (bright!) color photos!
Great pic!
Hey Rox,
Since there isn't much going on in the photo, I like the colors. Very simple, but good.
Hope you're doing well. Have a great week.
Love you!
love it! color's my fav!
I like how you have engaged your readers by asking them these questions...
I also like this question... I was just wondering if leslee knew her zipper was done, opps! :)
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