Thursday, September 1, 2011

Abundant Life!

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I woke up today with a full heart and a lot on my mind…it’s a mom thing.

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It matters not whether children are little or big. Once they make it into your heart, they’re there for good.


Like her womb, a mother’s heart can grow quite large.  Even large enough to accommodate a crowd.

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Which means there is plenty of room for  more babies. Grandgirls, is what I call them.

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These little darling’s make my heart sing

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Make me smile and fill my empty nest with giggles, glitter and new stories to tell.

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They make me excited to be called the ‘G-word’! Yes, even……. “ granny”!

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Being a grandmother is my favorite thing! I have a second chance to give the best of me away.

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To all of the people that I love. Which is a lot! Loving has made my heart big.

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Like elastic, it stretches and stretches,


and to my amazement. It always has the capacity to stretch a little bit more. Thank you God, for expanding the breadth and width of my heart to embrace, a standing room only, crowd.68701_1576322640298_1002556131_31616061_933983_n 

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things and endures all things. Love never ends. 1 Corinthians 13:7-8


Linda Popple said...

Perfect post to read at the beginning of my day! Sending love and a big thank you!

bunnytrails said...

How I love you, sweet friend! You are in my heart and I miss you so much!! Believe it or not, I finally posted a blog after a time of drought. You will understand..