Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh! What a glorious gift is love.

...fill your hearts and go!

Jenny and Clint
March 2010

Photography by Charlotte Sellmyer, a Texas girl working in D.C.


Beth said...

So good! Love them all together like this! :)

Linda said...

Congratulations on your son's recent engagement! Stunning photos and stunning couple!

Whitney said...

They are such a cute couple! I love ALL the pictures!

bunnytrails said...


Michelle said...

Again, great posting of such a CUTE couple Ms. Roxanne! Congratualtions to them!

mary said...

Oh, how sweeeeet! Thank you for you speedy posting!

Rochelle said...! Love, love, love! And, they show the "LOVE" they have for each other in them!

Nancy @ Ella Elaine said...

Congrats on your son's engagement!
What fabulous photos. It is so sweet to see such love...