Saturday, August 20, 2011

Girls Night Out!

One week ago tonight Coach and I celebrated a lot of special ladies at our annual Girl's Night Out.

Every year, just before football season starts up, I snazz up our house, cook a tasty dinner and roll

out the red carpet to show our appreciation to the coaches wives on the football staff. My coach,

foot's the bill and fan's the flame on my excessive plans and ideas because he knows how important

these beauties are and the valuable role they play in the lives of their families.

These women are a prize. Truly champions in their own way! Few people know what it's like to be

the wife of a career coach. I suppose, it may appear prestigious, glamorous and fun...especially on

the college and professional levels where huge salaries accompany the weighty pressures. Though

excess money can solve many problems. The burden of responsibility for the teams success is a

common malady to every coach. His life is an open book, on display 24/7, to be read and enjoyed

or criticized and burned. Unfair as it may seem it is something he understands. Something he's

been equipped for. He's a man doing what he loves to do. He's making a difference.

Not unlike her husband, a coach's wife wears many hats. She is to her children, what her husband

is to his team. She gets them up and going, feeds, teaches, instructs, transports, encourages,

corrects, disciplines, laughs and hugs! Careful to temper every thought, word and deed with truth

and love. Knowing that each day is an irreplaceable opportunity to train a child. Hoping against all

odds, to make a difference in their lives. It's exhausting! It's exhilarating! An overwhelming

responsibility, and yet it must be done. In short, it's our turn. To be unselfish and to do what

many did for us.It's the right thing to do.

So we choose to do it! Women too, have been equipped. We were made to love others and love

them well. We have big hearts! We are easily hurt. So, to love a man who is extremely passionate

and competitive, who gives his all, leaving little for those who love him most, can be hard on

the heart of a woman.

But when you approach the relationship with your husband, like he approaches his team, with

loyalty and commitment. Investing heavily and giving him your best, you'll see past hurt,

misunderstanding and disappointment. With a forgiving heart, you can better see his. Which will

enable you to give him what he desires most. Respect. Not only for him personally but for what he


It takes time to learn these things. It requires patience and communication, most of all forgiveness.

I know because it's taken me a long time. Ask my husband. :)

With a grateful heart, I thank my husband for bearing with me while I figured out what he always knew.


As football wives across the nation, step into another memorable season, I pray God's presence,

power, protection and provision over you and your family. May you team up with the man you

love to form a united, cohesive team that nothing can separate, nor sever. In times of difficulty may

you take refuge in the shelter of His wing, finding strength, comfort, encouragement and truth.

Most of all, may discover more about who you are and how very much He loves you! Never are not alone.


A special note to the Wildcat Wives: Though we've only met a handful of times, my heart is already

knitted into yours. I couldn't be more excited about our friendships, the season ahead and

adventures we'll have. Thanks for embracing me and making me comfortable. You are a

an amazing group of women. You are your husbands greatest trophy! Whether he expresses it well

or not, he couldn't do this without you. He appreciates you more than you know.

You feel like family!


Anonymous said...

You are an amazing woman Roxanne Spradlin!! Thank You for mothering my Katie when I can't be there! I will always be indebted to you!! Go Wildcats...see you Friday;). Blessings, Lisa "B"

Me said...

Wonderful sentiments from the heart!