Recently cousin's Lyndsay and Eryn traveled to Abilene for an over night art camp! We began this fun filled 24 hours with a hearty lunch at the Beehive. Delicious chicken fried steaks and potatoes
are their specialty. Then we off for a little shopping! Stokes Chic Antiques, Classic Collection and It's About Time, topped our list. We even squeezed in a quick run through the local Salvation Army.

Shopping left us thirsty so we grabbed a Sonic drink and headed back home to start our first craft, which was to make a apron. The girls looked through my fabric stash and made their selections.

Using a ready made apron as a pattern, they cut out the body, strap, ties and pocket.

Then it was time to sew. Both Lyndsay and Eryn had sewn before and did a great job!

Here they are, modeling their finished project! Aren't they darling? Lyndsay used a vintage pillow case to make an apron pocket. Eryn, embellished her's with a antique crocheted doily.
Nice job, ladies! I loved the shorter length they chose...very cute!

Without a break, we high tailed it downtown to my studio for art class. In a matter of minutes, we got everything ready and began painting shortly after 6:00. I was so impressed with these too. They took to painting, like ducks to water. I was so happy for them.

I was amazed at Eyn, 16. She was intense and focused and never once needed help. She was engaged and confident. I hope she will keep painting! She's a natural!

Lyndsay, also did a fabulous job! I loved the rich colors she mixed and the ease in which she painted. Brushes aren't simple to use but she made it look easy.
I also want to take this opportunity to say, "Welcome Home"! Lyndsay, whose been working at the Biltmore Resort in Arizona, has just moved back to Texas! Friends and family are thrilled she is back home. Best wishes in your next adventure!

At the end of class both Eryn and Lyndsay had finished their paintings
and had done so beautifully. Great colors and composition. I'm very proud of you. I had a blast spending time with you both!