If you happen to be downtown for Art Walk tonight, I hope you'll drop by and say 'hi'! I'll be painting a huge West Texas skyscape from 6 - 8:30. My studio is in the Roberts Building #8, above The Leaf.
... until then!
The Artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work. Emile Zola
OK, I am keeping my fingers crossed that I win this one! I love that painting!!
Sorry, I won'"t be there, but good luck for your exhibition!
Hello Roxanne,
This good luck is a little late for your big Texas painting tonight, but I do hope it was a good time and we get to see what you painted. Beautiful little painting, love hydrangeas. By the way, where are you in Texas?
All I can say is that your blog is like therapy to me and my prayer is to some day take one of your classes....I have told you this before-YOU MATTER! You DO make such a difference in this lil life! I check your blog and it does bring the Peace of God into my life.....When I do meet you this will all make sense to you...
All I can say is "Thank You" for being used by God!
Carol Wilson
I love your work. I love the vibrant colors you use in your paintings of flowers. Your sister Lynnette sent me your information and your blog. You have an awesome, very sweet and dear sister! I'm glad to have your information now.
amy c.
Love your painting and have enjoyed getting to know your sister! You are very talented. I have a perfect spot for this picture:)
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