Lilacs in Water.........................12 x 12...........................acrylic on canvas......$100

A few days ago I was walking Mitzi and Abby through the neighborhood and noticed a pretty shrub covered with pinky purple blooms. I had never seen one before but one wiff I knew it was a Lilacs.
So today, as I was driving to my studio, I cut a few stems for my class to paint.
Marsha and Christy did a great job today. I'm impressed with their progress. I really like both of their paintings a lot!

Here is Christy's painting.....

Here is Marsha's......
Both are beautiful! Great job, girls!

Below is the one I painted, today. Teaching while I demonstrated each step.

Lilacs in Water.....................................12 x 12...............................................acrylic on canvas $100
Hope your week is off to a great start. So glad you dropped by!
I misspelled a word and hated to have a word wrong. Your paintings amaze me every time. They are so pure and clean.
If I had $100, I would most definitely buy this for our home. I have loved all of your art, especially the birds nests- your attention to detail is amazing! You are one talented lady!
ooohhhh are gettin' popular!!! go momma' go momma' GO! :)
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