Tuesday, April 2, 2013





A few weeks ago, I was in paradise. Everything was exquisite!

Seriously, I wouldn’t change a thing. Well, except Coach getting

a stomach bug. I’d change that in a New York second but other

than that the entire trip was perfect.


Early morning walks, relaxing under beach umbrellas, shopping

excursions in San Jose Cabos and amazing evenings in San Lucas

Cabos were made all the more special by sharing it with Coach,

our children and best friends.


Leslie and I have been friends since we were newlyweds. We

have lived our lives side by side. Encouraging each other through

every chapter. We have lot’s of stories. Enough to fill a big book! 

From young brides, to raising three kids each, trying to be good

wives and mothers, letting go and learning to trust God,

every step of the way… our lives have been full of His mercy

and goodness. Our friendship is one of His sweetest gifts. So,

you can imagine how wonderful it was to share our trip in

paradise and then two days later, meet up again in Paradise Point.



It’s true. We went from tropical paradise to Paradise Point Park

on Lake Toledo Bend.


The accommodations were… shall we say, uh…cozy?

And just in case your interested, the Point Café, Marina and store

are open. I’d be lying if I said Leslie and I were delighted…but

we were not shocked ‘cause this weren’t our first rodeo, y’all’.


Though, it had been about twenty years since our last visit. Which

is another story in itself. The highlights of which include our six

children, combined, a very long drive from west Texas and me,

finding rat poop in the silverware drawer of the mobile home

we rented for spring break. It wasn’t pretty.

Nor must I admit, is Paradise Point.




But it wasn’t H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E! Some improvements had been made over

the years but one thing remained the same. A low standard of cleanliness, bad

bedding and unattractive décor. I mean, I certainly can think of worse things but

remember: We just came from paradise, for heaven’s sake! Nevertheless,

I could tell my husband was so happy. In fact, he was down right thrilled!

So I decided to sit my selfishness aside, prayed for gratitude and

I sent a text to Leslie. In hopes of

preparing her.


Cellular service is scarce at Paradise Point Park and Leslie never

got my text but it didn’t matter. When Leslie and Laynce arrived,

Mike was already fishing and had already caught a big bass. The

were guys were so excited to be fishing on Toledo Bend and were off

in a flash.


Leaving us girls with time on our hands to settle in, explore the park and

make fun plans of our own.


It took us all of about thirty minutes. Then we were back in the car, headed

for Hemphill, Texas and looking for adventure and or a grocery store.

We found more than we were looking for!


To be continued…….

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