Sunday, May 20, 2012

NYC–A Mother’s Day Ill Never Forget! Part 3

Sunday, May 13th was a Mother’s Day that I’ll never forget. Clint and Jenny started the fun with roses

and strawberry cheesecake! After breakfast the guys went to Ground Zero, while the girls hung out in

Kim’s room, listening to music and helping her get ready.


After she packed her bags and left we

decided to get some fresh air by walking to Central Park. While we were there we had a nice picnic

and conversation. When it was time to get ready we headed back to the hotel. The guys were back and

enjoyed their outing as well. After dinner we headed to the Ed Sullivan Theatre for an evening we’ll never

forget! We were seated on the end of the third row, right behind Christina’s family who was sitting behind

Alicia’s. They stage looked amazing. I almost felt like we were at Tribal Council. Watching the last two

episodes of Survivor was a bit nerve wracking but nothing would compare the way we felt when the

castaways and Jeff Probst took their places on the stage. Kim sitting front and center looked beautiful.

After a few minutes of talking Jeff wasted know time reading off the votes of the jury. He opened the first

card and said, “Kim, Sabrina, Kim, Sabrina, Kim, Kim. The 24 winner of Survivor One World is, Kim! kim-spradlin-center-is-crowned-sole-survivorScreen shot 2012-05-16 at 11_07_25 AM

Coach shot out of his chair, as I caught the expression on his face. Quickly, Kim was in his arms and he was

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lifting her off the floor. In jubilation, our hearts tried to explain what no words could adequately express.

We were laughing, squealing, hugging, running and jumping up and down! Trying to wrap our minds around

what had just happened. Kim went back onto the stage and everyone returned to there seat. Blown away,

we watched an listened as Jeff asked questions and the Cast answered. Everything from that point was a

bit of a blur and paled in comparison, we waited outside the theatre while she did a few red carpet

interview’s, anxious to hug her again! Then we headed to the Survivor Party which was on a hotel rooftop.

Though very crowded, Kim received an outpouring of handshakes, hugs and congratulations! After an hour

or so, Kim said she was starving and we landed in Carnegies Deli, which was great. IMG_0521It was 3:00 am when we

got back to the hotel and left for the airport at 4:15. Though we had to get back and Kim was in good hands

it was hard to leave her behind. It’s been a long year of secrets and mystery and now that its all over we

have lot’s of questions to ask and hugs to give! We didn’t get finish celebrating! Later when we settled into

our First Class seats (Thank you, Nate!) we fell fast asleep, waking off and on, talking and pinching ourselves.

Reliving the past year and thanking God from the bottom of our hearts. Thanking Him for His incredibly

generous, good plans. Not only for Kim, but for us all.


Watching our children grow up has been a rich a rewarding experience and now that they are adults

we are rewarded daily with the blessings of their lives. We are living in a continuous state of gratitude

for the wise, warm, responsible people they have become. Living their lives with integrity. Watching them

talk, work, play, laugh, love, parent, contribute to life around them makes us beam with happiness! They bless us!

Jeremiah 29: 11


maureen said...


maureen said...


bunnytrails said...

Oh Roxanne, What an incredible journey your family has been on... Loved getting to see you last week and hearing all about it! Thank you for your sweet hospitality and all of the fun memories! Can't wait to see you in Hico!!

Rochelle said...

roxanne....i have been reading beth's blog and watching survivor this past season because i knew your daughter was a contestant on it. i am so happy for her and for all of you - you must be really proud.
yes, god is good, really good!