Monday, November 14, 2011

…a little art–Sunday!


Today Carter and I spent a couple of hours down in the green house, creating Picassette

– loosely translated [trash art]. It was Carter’s first time to time to intentionally break

something. I removed the lids on six very large rolling tubs and encouraged her to pick

out her favorite pieces. Whatever she liked, was hers. With great care and time she did

so. With safety goggles and an old garden tool, she broke her first dish…just like that.

I struggled with my first one, but not Carter. She took to breaking, like a duck to water.


She loved all the little drawers full of beads, button, marble and shells. She also liked dip-

ping her fingers into the bucket of adhesive and slathering the mud all over her frame

and said it was like frosting a cake. Below is her beautiful creation which she did alone.


By now the sun was heating up the greenhouse so we opened windows and got big glasses

of sweet tea. Refreshed, Carter was ready for another project and decided to make a

birds nest, too. She began gathering her treasures while her little sister Emme found a

cute blue bird with a broken tail. I tried to exchange it for and old plastic chicken but

she was having none of it and off, she toddled. Later, when Carter showed me a pretty

blue piece she found for her nest I realized it was the birds tail. We went hunted for

Emme’s blue bird and were about to give up when we discovered she had taken it

back to the house to show her mommy and daddy (who probably didn’t think it was a

good idea for a 1 and 1/2 year old to play with a broken piece of pottery). Back to the


nest, Carter did a fabulous job of choosing, breaking, slathering, placing, hunting and

creating. I can hardly wait for them to dry and for her to come back so we can mix up

tile grout, cover them in thick mud and clean it all off. What a little treasure she will

have to take home and what fun memories we will share. Soon Emme will be able to

join us and we’ll all be in on the fun. Today, Carter showed me why being a grand-

mother is going to be so much fun. I’ll show and teach them all my favorite things!


Beth said...

Mom you are precious and the sweetest grandmother a girl could have! Thank you for taking the time to teach and spend art filled hours with Carter...she loved it (and I loved the little nap I snuck in while no one was looking!) XOXO

bunnytrails said...

Hi Roxanne! I can just see Carter's face and hear her little voice. I know she has changed a lot since I last saw her. Give her a hug for me. I found out today about Ross's fiance. I met her at the store when she was helping with the pumpkin sale. My heart is heavy for him and for her family. Love and miss you, tons! Jo Carol