Hey sweet Mama's! With Mother's Day upon us, I want to celebrate "the love" with another giveaway! But first of all, I want to say something that doesn't always get said. Something all you ladies need to hear! Thank you for being a mother! Thank you for loving and caring, protecting and sharing. Thank you for cleaning, cooking, reading, teaching, laughing, disciplining, bathing, buying, driving, comforting,coaching,nursing, hugging, dressing, brushing, tying, playing, walking, riding, throwing, skipping, dancing, fishing and countless more. Thank you for modeling grace and goodness, unconditional love and forgiveness. Thank you, for living a transparent life that will equip your children to do the same. Mothering, much like childbirth, isn't easy, but the joy far outweighs the pain ...and the end result is priceless!

So celebrate with me, the difference you are making in the precious lives around you. Resolve to be your best. Find help, strength, hope, wisdom, forgiveness and everything you need, at the feet of Jesus. God knows
everything whether you tell Him or not, so don't hesitate to share your thoughts and concerns with Him. Turn your worries into prayers. He will release His power and His peace to flow throughout your heart, soul and mind. Kind of like an 'inner' spa, working from the inside out.

I know, it may sound too good to be true but I'm speaking from personal experience, here! I've had three little ones, a hard working husband, a tight budget and frequent
'pack up and' move's! Each difficult in itself, but my greatest challenge came from the heavy burdens I carried in my heart! Invisible baggage! Which you know can be tricky stuff. I would attempt to unload it on my husband........ and take out my frustrations on my kids. With no where else to turn, I tried God. It was there, in the arms of His love, that I found all I needed. One day at a time. He made such a difference that I invited Him to move in! Into my house, my heart, my mind, my soul. My past, my present, my future. He's the first one I talk to each morning and the last one I talk to at night. I don't go anywhere without Him! ...and it doesn't bother my husband or kids, one bit! In fact, after they saw the changes He made in me, they grew to love Him as well!

Again, celebrate the love, that flows through a mother's heart! His love! ...and only God knows
the difference it will make.
If you'd like to enter
the GIVEAWAY and have an opportunity to hang a custom, hand painted Joshua 24:15 painting, in your home.
*Leave a comment, in response to message above. Just share a thought or two! That's it!
*If you want to double you chance's, mention the giveaway on your blog and share the link!
Be sure and let me know!
I'm so excited to share this powerful scripture, in an artful way and look forward to collaborating with the winner so that it's extra special for you! The
deadline is next Saturday, May 8th, at 10:30 pm. The
winner will be announced before Midnight.
Have a lovely week.
Blessings and hugs to all!