Then Nonna and Carter were off to Nonna's Sunday school Christmas party where Carter was the only child in a house full of women, and shall we say Carter, was well attended! Donna surprised us with an exciting invitation to attend the annual Saint Nicklaus Parade,

Meanwhile, Beth and I having nothing to do for a few hours, bee-lined it for the nearest parking space and hit the pavement running! ...yeah,yeah, walking fast! Your such a stickler for the truth. Our first shop, root!

All afternoon we went in and out of the cutest shops.

Quick as a wink, it was parade time and we met Nonna and Carter at a beautiful old home down the street. I just love historic houses and I could hardly wait to get inside. Just through front door was the sweetest nativity scene, in a lighted shadow box. It was so pretty...so alluring. I bent over to get a closer look....just magical. I wanted to climb in there and see the baby Jesus with my own two eyes. I wanted to touch Him and tell Him how much I love Him.... I slapped my imagination back to reality, snapped a photo and silently pondered the future day when that too would be real.

The original home was built in the 1800's. We walked up antique stairs to the balcony.

What a perfect place to sit, sip hot chocolate and watch the floats go by.

There was nothing 'small town' about this parade. I oooooed and ahhhhed at each twinkly display. Savoring every sight and sound! Thank you Donna, for this unexpected joy and gift.
When the parade was over, we drove back through town, enjoying the colorful lights.