Friday, August 8, 2014

Rebuilding Camp Contentment


The morning after the fire, Coach and I arrived early at our house to meet our State Auto insurance adjustor, Kim and

Jeff, the Specialty Restoration of Texas contractor.  Surrounded by chaos, they put our fears to rest by assuring us that

they would do everything possible to restore our home and make us comfortable during the rebuilding. Everything was

such a mess!  We were treading uncharted waters. I’ll never forget how comforted we were by their words and actions.  




Within hours, a team of people descended on our home and the process began. Housing was provided immediately.

Within a few days, everything in our house was packed up a moved away to be cleaned and stored. Having no idea what

to take with us has resulted in several moments of panic but one phone call to Jeff would call us down and within 24 hours

SRT would deliver to our doorstep. Originally, we were told our rebuild would take approx. 6 weeks. However, upon

further inspection, the damage was greater than first expected.



It’s now  been over 3 months. The entire roof has been removed and replaced (It is strange to stand inside of your house

and see the sky above). The entire house has been rewired, duct work replaced,  wood work and dry wall removed. Though

the restoration has been slower than I would like, the work has been done with care and excellence. Living in an age of

mediocrity, it has been more than a blessing to watch people take pride in their work…doing it well the first time.




Since the fire, our lives have been different. We continue carrying out the duties of each

day. Eating, drinking, sleeping, working, talking and laughing…. like normal. We are

comfortable and grateful!!! Nevertheless, we are not at home. Hopefully, that day is

coming soon…maybe in September? But this life interruption, has given me much time

to think. I love getting up early to watch the sunrise and talk to God. I’ve been asking Him

questions and waiting quietly for Him to answer. Solitude, has been a good place to

spend time.  I’ve also spent  a lot of time thinking about home. I miss it! Picking paint

colors, bathroom tile, lights, faucets, sinks and so on, helps pass the time.

You could say I’m homesick and you’d be right, but over the long weeks of waiting, I’ve

realized something important. The more time I spend with my Father, the more I realize

that my real home will never be here. Sure, I’m excited to get back in our house. It’s going

to be better than ever. I can hardly wait to decorate it, again! But as life settles back into

a normal routine, may I never forget, that I’m happiest when I’m near Him.





Next up:  Rebuilding Camp Contentment – Life goes on!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

You have such a faithful heart and good attitude. :) Hang in there!