Friday, September 10, 2010

Cooking School

Roxanne Spradlin.......Cooking School....... 48" x 24".........oil..........SOLD

Friend Debbie Byrd, who recently completed a kitchen remodel, commissioned me in July to paint this large painting. Debbie, who once was a foreign exchange student in Sweden, was delighted with all the clogs. In fact, she still has a pair she bought and wore when she was there. I can hardly wait for Cooking School to take it's place of honor on Debbie's kitchen wall.

Here the process. Wash and sketch.

Fill in, highlight and shadow.

Stand back and take a good hard look.
Debbie, thank you for challenging me to paint this subject. I really enjoyed it and couldn't be happier with the out come.

Next time your family is all lined up for a family photo, snap a shot at their feet. It's a fun thought, don't you think?

Have a nice weekend! Go Coogs!


Beth said...

Love, love, love it mom!! Want to paint some of Emme's babylegs next?! :)

Karen said...

I love it! It seems so realistic. Almost want to put a name to each one.

Linda Popple said...

This is fabulous! I LOVE it! What a great addition to a kitchen!

maureen said...

Oh Roxanne, this is georgeous! It makes me smile. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Beth's idea! I can hardly wait to see that painting finished.

Jill Edwards said...

Your talent never ceases to amaze! LUV LUV LUV this one too!!!

Anonymous said...

You, My Dear, are SUCH a special gift from our wonderful God! Each time I travel to your wonderful blog.....I am assured and blessed to KNOW how much our Lord LOVES us! Thank You again! And just remember how much what you do matters to all of us.....
Thank U Lord for Roxanne the Artist!

Mitzi Easley said...

great job Roxanne! Such a great painting to go into a friend's kitchen!

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

Roxanne, It's fabulous!!

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment on 'Capri Boatyard'.

Anonymous said...

I am amazed...... I love the bird nest paintings.... and the florals that you have produced....but this has such a uniqueness about it. I see New York Art Exhibit written all over it. Totally, totally amazing.

bunnytrails said...

Don't know if I could love a painting anymore than I do this one!!

Beth said...

p.s. someday when my blog grows up it wants to be as popular as yours is!

chantal johnson said...

gorgeous!!! It is awesome!! Better than the picture...