When I began blogging my art journey, a year and a half ago, I wasn't sure it would be a lasting endeavor! Technically challenged, nothing came easy! Everything about it was hard...I could barely check my email and nearly gave up on more than one occassion. At this point, I should mention, just in case your interested in starting your own blog, it's not difficult! I was just void of all basic computor and typing skills. But with lot's of help and encouragement from my sweet girl, Beth, I pressed on. The kind words of encouragement from friends Dalia (who started the whole thing & named my blog), Mary, Molly, Amy, Jo Carol, Brandy, Nancy and Jana have pulled me along. . . . thank you girls! Now I can say without hesitation blogging is so much fun!
And so it is with a sense of accomplishment, that today, I celebrate my 100th post! As a way of showing my appreciation to all of you who drop by and visit (whether we know each other or not) I'd like to invite you to enter my 'NEST GIVEAWAY'! This is the nest I painted earlier this week for 'Tuesday Tutorial'. It is a sweet little nest and I'd love to share it with someone who would enjoy having it in their home!
Everyone is invited to participate! Don't be shy! To enter, just leave a comment. . .or become a follower (below left). It's that simple.
Entries will be taken until this Sunday, May 31st, 12:00 PST. The winner will be selected by a randomly from all who enter. I will post the winning entry on Monday, June 1st! Please check back to see if it is you!
Thanks again to all of you for encouraging me along the path to becoming an artist. The future is brighter than ever! Praise God!
Best wishes and blue skies!